Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Good morning Malaysia!!!

Hello everyone! My my, what a wonderful morning... time to start another day!!! :)

It's great to see the increasingly number of those who have subscribed to my blog. Thank you so much for your interest. It looks like I really have to keep on writing, at least, once a day. But I guess I could go and do better than one blog entry per day... hehehehe... true per, semuenye ade bukti? Selalu per I write more than one entry per day. Its just that whats starting to worry me is this. I've got like more than 300 friends in here, some may read some may not. And like some of my friends only knows English, some may only understand Malay, so, well, lets just say have to advanges to understand both languages. Question! Do I have to do my blogs in two versions starting from now? Kalau iyer, mati la hem! Nak buat dua bahasa... there must be an easier day... I mean, way... hmmmmm. I'll think of something...

Well.. let me see.. hari ini... sudah 8jam 34minit berlalu. And I've been awake like.. ermm.. let me see... 2 hours plus? Woke up at 6.30am tadik *yeapppp... terselayas bangun lewat lagik.. chit!* Had my morning prayers, then off to the kitchen, prepared breakfast for me and granny... what was for breakfast? Hmmm.. roti air panas and scramble egg with cut chilis (red and green) with onions and pepper dgn kicap... :) Sesiape nak resepi, tak gherti2 nak mintak?

Now why do I think I'm beginning to sound so formal with the blog write ups? Maybe pasal yang dwi bahasa tu. Ade tak programme yang membolehkan u write in English, and with an instant click, you get the whole bloody thing in Malay? Ehehehehehe... If sesiape tahu of such program, do let me know ek? :)

And so, afterwards, well, after breakfast that is... cleaned the kitchen... shuuhhh my granny to go and rest in her room *hehehe bad of me... wanted to her to get enough rest... that's all* and then watered her plants... ugrh those plants! I could just.. URGHHH! And then, here I am, online, listening to Hindi Sad Diamonds.mp3 on RealPlayer while writing up this entry and also replying to my mails... *thank you so much for the amount of emails yang berlambak everyday... rase cam star lak.. hehehe.*.. OH LOOK! It's Faith Hills There You'll Be on my RealPlayer now.. yeap, new song pulak.. takkan la nak ulang Hindi Sad Diamond tu on and on and on. Poning eden... :)

Oh well.. I'll catch things up with you guys later2 during the day ek... parents coming over to celebrate Raya AidilAdha in Kedah... tah la.. tak sure. Balik nak raya sini, or picking me and granny up to go back KL. I'm sure granny tannak sbb she wants to be here, AND ONLY here. Tough luck Mama! Bapak! I guess you guys have to ddrrrrrrrrrraggg her kalau u guys really nak dia stay in KL. I know I wouldn't force her...

Ok. Time to run! See ya again, later alligator!

Bubbye... *PS - Don't you just love that GOODBYE AUDIBLE in YM? The one like the girl wearing a hat (like a stewardess for US Airlines thingie) saying, BUBBYE... OHCAY NOW, BUBBYE. BUBBYE in different tones, so, so, annoying dumb blonde bimbo way of saying bubbye tune... you guysknow that audible? That's my all time fav! SO CUTE! Contra kan? ekekek kutuk punye baik tapi at the end, my fav audible. What to do.. freedom of choice kan? Ehehehehe

LEA - One Day I'll Fly Away... Leave all these to yesterday...

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