Wednesday, January 05, 2005

It's The 5th Day of 2005!!!

Hey ya ppl... wassup...
So how was everybody's new year celebration?
-Happenning? - jgn happenning sesangat, ingat siket mangsa2 Tsunami;
-Sad? - jgn la be too sad about leaving 2004 behind;
-So-so? - Now this one is good... ala kadar, sederhana in everything and everylittlething that we do, have, and everything lah...
Gawd... who am I kidding!?! I'm actually tgh dalam keadaan hampa dan devastated nih!!! Remember the thing I wrote about last in the blog about me getting the Air Asia thingie? Well... i had to batalkan niat I to work with Air Asia, on top of that I had to come back to kampung and stay with my sicky uzur/naza' granny who only wish to have ME!, her one and only fav. cucu back here in kampung to spend time with her, during her like, erm, last few days kot. So I kena amik long break from work and shows (which I have no problems at all), I kena excusekan myself from my friends, and loved ones, (tak kisah sangat jugak sbb hp, internet and what not semua ade, so nomatter how far I am, I can still keep in touch with em.. ) I have to korbankan my nightlife, my socialwork, and SHOPPING! Urgh! But yang paling sakit jiwa, I had to turn down the offer from Air Asia. Dah la I wanted that job so badly! Tau tau dah dapat, ini pulak timbul. But I can't blame 100% on my granny. Dia sakit kan, and she only wants me to be with her. Buatnye I degil keje jugak dgn Air Asia, and if anything happens to her in kmpung, I WILL NEVER forgive myself knowing the fact that she only wanted me, out of her many cucu ciciks in this world, to spend time with. And my mom said, ade hikmah disebalik semua kejadian nih. So what to do, I redha jer lah...
Kat kampung nih, well, lets just say, BORING! Internet and hp, dua bende nih la the only key/window for me to kl and the outside world. Life, langsung tak der kat sini. Got my pathetic cousins and stuff yang hanye tahu main bola ptg and malam2 petik gitar busuk depan umah and feeling macho! pls lah! Don't have a life, buat cara tak der life! Tak yah nak heret ppl yang ade life ke kancah ketidakadaannye life.. errmm.. wait a minute, I'm at kmpung, I memang tak der life.. ehehehehehehehehheehheheheheheheh
For how long I nak stay sini? Tak tahu ah.. hingga kehujung nyawa nenekku I guess. Nak balik cepat tu memang ah, tapi, takkan nak mintak doa kasik nenek aku mati cepat pulak? Hish! Gilos! Well.. I guess I just have to put up to this. I mean, it's ok... ade nye rahmat disebalik semua ini.. ekeekekeke

Ok... will write up something else esok lusa or something. TU PUN KALAU ADE BENDE MENARIK nak write. Maybe I'll write something about that pathetic loser cousin guy of mine yang tak der life tu... see la how..
Ok.. time to masak for my erm, granny.. YES, I COOK here ok! Ekekekekeke... ;p

Ok ppl.. take care! Be good!
with love,
AND BORED LIKE THERE'S NO 5th OF JAN 2005... ekekeke


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