Sunday, January 16, 2005

Juara Lagu Ke-19; VERY Disappointing!

A review about Juara Lagu ke 19 on Sunday the 16th of January, 2005...

After being depressed and shocked and surprised with the tragyc Tsunami, there's another walking talking tragedy... YES - Sarimah and Najib Ali? Doubted that was a good combi! Ewww! What was that? A joke of the Year event?

Anyways... I'm just gonna do a short review sbb honestly, I pun bukannye pandai sangat nak review. Just speaking my heart out jer. And I cant do full review sbb I tak watch the first few contestants but I guess tak best pun I think? Sbb none of them yang performed awal2 tu tak menang pe pe pun? Ehehehe.. So here's what I HAVE to say... reminder, this is what I THINK... ok? :)

--->Anuar Zain was good... thought he could have done better.
--->Dayang was like, I'm shocked! From RnB Diva to Irama Pop Ethnic? Gawd! KUDOS to her !
--->Misha Omar; WHAT WAS THAT?!?! No doubt she won the best vocal but still, WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? Macam tak puas hati jer her expressions and what not. And whats with the bed mattress covering her glittering babyblue turqoise dress thingie? MOTIF hantu Pontianak tu sort of like menggelabah didnt know how to scare ppl? I think ZARINA Akademi Fantasia performed better... Misha really didnt seem to do her best... She dia VERY well but it was just NOT HER BEST!
--->Spider - Cute lead vocalist. I dont mind them winning... ehehehehehe
--->Zamani - Errr... motif "MANDI TAK SAMPAI LIMA MINIT?"
--->Noraniza Idris - masih mengekalkan konsep "Ku bertanding buat show bersama satu bas penari"... Good show, enjoyed it but her make up, addinch! accessories, YESSSS MELETOP! Dance moves, pergh!
--->Tah Sharifah Zarina ape tah? - Well... she started off pretty well tapi lelepas tu macam dah tah ke mana nyanyian dia? I pun tak paham cam ne leh masuk final...
--->Vince- BIG, HUGE mistake!
---> ELLA- Cute... Nice... although I bukannye favkan dia sangat tapi she was cute...
--->Erra Fazira - Boy this woman improved a lot dari dulu2 kan? Nyanyi tuning dah meletop. Menari dah leh dengan dancer... GREAT outfit (Mek agak mesti Michael Ongs' design sbb that feather fur fur and glittering tussles tu- the same material Michael used for Ning and Erra waktu that 20 - Most Glam. Ladies in Malaysia kat MO tu).. GREAT GREEN GLITTERING MAKE UP! But one thing though, although muka dah macam anak putung, tapi, RAMBUT tu... Addinch! I know dia kena bun up her hair (Or should I just say her wig) tu sbb bulu2 tu nanti confirm akan kusutkan or semakkan rambut dia kalau dia lepas.. Tapi kalau yer pun nak bun, or french twist kan.. tolong la buat jgn nampak pecah lobang sangat. Ini tadik I noticed depan dah nampak ori.. tapi bile cam shot dari belakang Erra.. aiyoh! PECH LOBS!
--->The rest - I kureng ingat/pasti...

And the BEST of all - NAJIB ALI and SARIMAH Combi MC Co-hosted also my Sherryl Samad. Sherryl was cool, relaxed, more calmed than those two. Sarimah at some point,memang lawak. At some, she was just like trying too hard, TOO HARD. Najib Ali, no doubt, acting really stupid was his major back inthe unis. Kidding. I think lawak jenaka diaorang especially Sarimahs', well, lets just say, kalau Najib tak der, tak menjadi lawak Sarimah. Najib sort of la, I said, SORT off saved the day with his... SELAMBE ROCK jokes which is good coz apparently tak der lah nampak sangat dia like trying to harddd kan? :)

Didnt watch the show yang waktu waiting for the result. Confirm boring...

And the last part tak tgk2 sangat sbb dok concentrate that Philipino movie TILL THERE WAS U... :)

Ok.. so much for the review... Misha... was really counting on her to win tapi bak kata org2 bertanding, BUKAN REZEKI dia... nak buat cam mana? She was THIIIIIS Close in winning. Tak per lah. Janji banyak jugak dia dapat, kan?

Oknow... comment la on this entry ya... :)

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