Friday, January 21, 2005

So it's Aidil Adha 2005... Anything new?

Greetings everyone! Mueieueiueieue

Yes yes... it's EidilAdha so some people call it... Whatever we or one should call today, it's definitely a day to celebrate!!!

How was my celebration? Remember Raya Aidilfitri in KL when I slept off the whole day after makan tu makan nih. Berbeza lerrr beraya kat kampung. I think raya with nenek w/out family in Kedah, better la dari raya with family in KL. Like I started awal ok! Woke up at 6am... (memang usual timing I get up pun these few days a bit)... after morning prayers (Subuh)... YES YES I do pray ok... then panaskan ketupat pulut and rendang daging (both I tak masak.. ketupat belik kat auntie I, rendang tu beli kat this one mak cik yesterday I think. Tah, uncle I yang belikkan) then had breakfast with granny and then gi sembahyang raya. YES YES, HE picked me and granny up, Redzal did... :) Lepas sembahyang raya, he beraya dengan family dia gi mana tah, and I dgn granny beraya at home, then uncles aunties yang ade semue datang... not forgetting my pathetic looser cousin (Hmmm.. one point benci gile2 kat dia.. then terasa macam suke pulak kat dia.. now, back to menyampah tgk dia.. tapi kureng sikit la tahap kemenyampahan I kat dia sbb today raya kan.. ehehe). Had few good meals and kuihs and what not (some kuihs saki baki dari Raya Puasa.. yesss granny kept it well.. ). Then...... he came and ajak I gi tgk org buat korban sembelih and what not kat masjid.. YES YES REDZAL! Ish! Then along the way.. (waktu dalam kete dia and waktu kat masjid of course) we talked and talked.. (Topicnye? Ade ade adddddddddddddddee lah!) But nothing personal... just the usual catching up topics and what not... Although I did ask him mana gf... well.. lets just say a bit personal lah citerdia last night tapi hint2... BREAK OFF!!! Last night to she called to call it off... ape reason motif, I tannak tanye lebih2, kang kecik hati pulak kawan I tu.. ehehehee. So that was it... then... lunch - sleep - FP - then now back online. Gawd! No paragraphs ahhh today's entry? Soweeeiii!

Ok. I'll continue later2 lepas I buat a few adjustments to the site... :) Tunggggggu! Something simplers... :) Less bimboish! Ekekeke... more... matured side.. porrrdah! Yo yo jer cakap tgk tgk lepas nih nan ado yang nak buat.. silap hari bulan zzzzzzz.. ehehe

Oklah... hamba minta diri dulu

Regards with loads and tons of love,
Nur Lea Lailee (Melayu kan la sikit nama since it's Raya day.. ceh!)

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