Thursday, January 20, 2005

Miss Tak Serik Serik Part 2

2nd part out of 3 part interview, "MISS TAK SERIK - SERIK"; between CHE-DET ('CD' at "") dated Sunday, October 17, 2004


CD: Macam mana you boleh mula2 start masuk pertandingan ratu- ratu nih?

LL: Startingnya dulu dengan Miss Teen World 2001 tu kawan mak lah (by the name of Angah from USJ) yang ajak masuk. Saje suke2 katanye. Waktu masuk pertandingan tu, si Angah dan Along (both from USJ) lah yang siapkan I. Along make-upkan I (time2 tu, nak make up sendiri? SODEH!!! Tak gherti ok!) dan Angah siapkan dress I. Simple jer dress tu dan waktu bertanding tu, ada lah perasaan takut jugak, first time lah kata kan. Tapi, malam tu was obviously my night I guess. Luck was on my side. As what people selalu cakapkan, beginners� luck, kannn. So malam tu mak mah menang. Menang besar lah jugak. I sapu 7 sub awards out of 10 yang dipertandingkan. Yang I tak dapat Miss Congen, Miss Photogenic dan Best Evening Dress.

CD: Lepas dari pertandingan tu, terus semangat lah nak masuk contest lain?

LL: I�d say somethin� like that lah kot. Selepas dari pertandingan tu, nama kite naik jugaklah dalam IRC dalam channel2 Sayangabang dan Gaymalaysia. So, macam, yer lah� biaselah. Ade contest lagik lepas tu, masuk jer� semangat kata kan�

CD: Tak serik ke? Sampai 19 contests?

LL: Correction, it�s 20 plus� hehehehe. Well..., serik? Kalau u tanye I soalan tu dua tiga bulan lepas I�d say NO, serik is not listed in my vocab. Tapi now, I think I dah .. macam.. that�s it lah kot, for now. I wanna rest. Nak take some time off from pageants and what not. Nak jadik org belakang tabir pulak kot. Siapkan orang ke, jadik committee ke ape ke�

CD: Macam mana leh jadik serik pulak tiba2 je?

LL: There�s this saying that goes, when you get up in the morning, and you can only think of one thing (ie shopping ke, nak quit pageants ke ape ke), then go ahead and do it. So one day I got up, thought to myself, dah dah la tu. Malasdah la nak bertanding. Mak nak rest kejap, maybe for a year or two, then buat comeback. And so I did. I decided to quit or should I say, rehat for awhile. Tu jer kot.

CD: Tapi drag tu tetap lah? Shows semue tu? Tu pun nak stop jugak?

LL: Oh but of course darling, of course nye NOT! No way nak stop semue tu. Drag harus lah. Tapi tak der lah tiap tiap hari. Kalau cam tu, baik mak mah nih jadik pondan drag 24jam. Hehehe. I drag lah kot for clubbing sekali sekali, untuk shows and what not. Shows I shall not stop for now sbb that�s what I like and enjoy to do. Yes, I enjoy pageants too. But that�s competing. In shows, you�re performing as a performer. That�s something differ. from competing in beauty pageants.

CD: Ok, berbalik pada citer ratu2 nih. You dah bertanding dengan gay boy, you dah bertanding dengan pondan bertetek, ade beza ke?

LL: (Smiles) Banyak bezanye. You see� bile kite bertanding sesama gayboy, you�d feel like� cam mana nak cakap ek. Cam nih lah. Kalau u bertanding dengan pondan bertetek, THAT�S IT! You ada rase tau macam bertanding dengan pompuan real. For some of these pondan berteteks, ade yang dah buat fefets lah, tetek pun meluak2 besar. So, bile u, (ie, ME) as a gayboy yang tak makan pills, no hormones, no injections no nothing, bertanding dengan real diva drag queens like those nyahs,you tend to put yourself to the test whether u could act and be like them as well. But when you�re competing with gayboys, although u�re dressed up like a girl, tapi deep within you know for a fact you�re still competing with gayboys and that�s about it, nothing more. Being in a contest where you actually compete with real diva drag queens, you tend to challenge yourself more. Could I beat this girl? Could I kepit suara like her? And etc. It�s hard to explain actually but bile u dah dalam contest tu, then only you�ll know.

CD: You tak makan pills or hormones or inject anything? Serious? (khi khi, soalan ni Lady yg suruh CD tanya)

LL: Serious shit no joke.. although pembetulan bab bab dagu tu, mak admit, memang mak buat. But that�s it. I still am, and will always be a gayboy. Mintak simpang lah nak buat teteks ke fefets ke, takut jugak. But I have nothing against people yang buat. Sebagai contoh mak nih tak prejudis, mak still kawan dengan gayboy2� tak kire lah lembut ke st8ing ke ape ke, mak nyah friends pun a lot. I take people as what they are. And I�m happy being the way I am now. Who says you have to inject stuffs to be pretty? Pretty is one thing dear, but, the important thing is the beauty from within plus your brains� you don�t wanna bebrainless beauty now would you.. hehehe

CD: Before I tanye you kenangan manis, kite start dengan kenangan pahit sepanjang you involved dalam dunia ratu, tak kire lah ratu gayboy or ratu maknyah�

LL: (LL diam sekejap, tunduk,� mengeluh, pastu dia jawab) Banyak nyeh kalau mak nak citer bab bab pahit lasam nih. Kalau nak listkan sepenuh-penuhnye, mak rase, hai, sampai esok lah gamaknye (ketawa siket tapi CD tau dia ketawa sedeh) Antara yang paling tak dapat terima, orang kata I lupa daratan. Maksudnye, I nih asalnye gayboy, dah pandai bergaul dengan pondan bertetek, dah bertanding ratu2 pondan nih, dah lupe diri as gayboy. Tolong lah. I tetap gayboy dan bawa peranan gayboy. Kat pertandingan ratu2 pondan maknyah pun, during rehearsals, I pergi dalam keadaan tak shave, serabut serabai. Ha, percaya tak? For all I care,I�m gonna compete on behalf of the gayboys in town and that�s it. When Imanaged to place 1st runner-up in both Miss Universe Diva and Miss World Diva, 2003 and 2004 respectively, secara tidak langsung I rase I naikkan nama gayboys in town. Like, letting maknyah tahu, biarpun dia gayboy tak bertetek, dia mampu beri saingan. Tapi what do I get in return, kutukkan oleh gayboys in town. Selain dari tu, yang nih tak der lah perit sangat sbb masuk telinga kanan keluaq telinga kiri. Lady tu kekwat, berangan, sombong la, feeling lah, this and that. Orang yang tak kenal mak memang kata mak kekwat sebab muka kite muka kekwat. Pastu bile dah kenal, �Ala Lady, sorry lah dulu I kutuk you. I ingatkan you kekwat tapi u tak, kan?� Cam tu lah gayonye. Others, I take it as, the way life is. Tak amik pot sangat. Kenangan pahit during contest, biase lah. Bile you know you should win, tapi ade orang sabo. Ha, tu pahit sikit lah. Bab bab sub. awards, yang mana kite tau, even pun kite tak patut jadik pemenang, ok, katalah, contoh, sub award utk Best Evening Dress. Katalah dalam banyak2 tu, I tahu dress I pun tak leh lawan dress Miss A, tetibe, Miss B yang menang walhal baju Miss B tu lagik azab dari baju mak nih ha, ha.. time2 tu lah rase, sentap ah! Ehehehehehe Tu jer kot.

CD: Kenangan manis?

LL: Obviously bile I menang. Tak kiralah ape ape pertandingan pun, tapi yang paling tak dapat I lupakan, and forever akan I kenang, Miss Teen World 2001 sebab that was my first gayboy beauty pageant yang I menang and Miss Malaysia 2003, sebab that was my last gayboy beauty pageant yang I vowed to compete and I won�

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