Thursday, January 20, 2005

Miss Tak Serik Serik Part 3

3rd part out of 3 part interview, "MISS TAK SERIK - SERIK"; between CHE-DET ('CD' at "") dated Sunday, October 17, 2004

CD: Ha, pasal Miss Universe 2003 pageant. You, Miss Colombia, dapat 2nd runner-up, kalah kepada Fifi UIA Miss Greece (1st Runner-up) dan Ginger (MU2003)� Ape perasaan you pada malam tu? Dengar citer, tak puas hati siket ek? Sbb sebelum MU2003 pageant, you dah masuk Miss Universe Diva 2003 (utk pondan2 dan maknyah) dan dapat 1st runner-up, kalah kepada Miss India, Shasha Penang, dan you, Miss Mexico, berjaya kalahkan Fifi Sentul Miss Canada, Sherryn Miss Virgin Island dan Pasha Miss Argentina. So timbul rase tidak puas hati sbb you tak menang Miss Universe 2003 utk gayboys, betul ke?

LL: Fitnah! Heheheh� Dinch ah you all. Mana ade. I mean. Ok. Biar mak terus terang jer kat sini nah. The night of MU2003 when I got 3rd (2nd runner-up ler), I felt down. Really. Not because Ginger Wiiiilllllddd Flowers kalahkan mak.. (Ginger, Miss Gurun, jgn marah mak mah nahhhh.. ekekeee.. melawak pondan.. biasalahkan.. ;p) Not because Fifi kalahkan mak� I rase tak puas hati sebab 3 sebab. 1st � Mak BENTAT sangat malam tu. Everyone cakap I looked berisi and some even said, I looked so fat. 2nd � I was really really disappointed with my answer during the q/a session during the top 10. 3rd � I was afterall, 1st runner-up Miss Universe Diva 2003� alih2, got 3rd dlm gayboy punye contest, in a contest of my own world, with my own fellow gayboys. Probably I set up too high expectations on winning the title, that was my fault. Tapi, ahhh, entah lah nyeh. Bende dah lepas. Lepas jer lah. Nih mesti kes mak menangis overdose kat changing room tu kan? Kan kaycoh bab tu, macam ala2 mak menangis sebab ala ala tak puas hati kan? Memang mak tak puas hati. Tapi adakah people tahu ape sebabnye mak tak puas hati? Tak kan? People always jump into conclusions tapi I tak salahkan diaorang. They are just humans I guess.. But my prediction for that night (MU2003), Ginger was in my list, but not as the winner (Sorry Gin, this iswhat I feel. Jgn marah, jgn sentap, you�re still the reigning Miss Universe 2003� sembah ratu!) My prediction was like, either Fifi UIA Miss Greece, OR Fattin Miss France should have won the title, and more or less my pick was Miss France.

CD: Tapi after MU2003, you managed to secure Miss Malaysia 2003, kan?

LL: It's like, a revenge sort of thing. I prepared well for Miss Malaysia 2003. I knew I could do it and I wanted to win. But there was at one time, I thought, I might just get 1st runner-up again sbb waktu they annouce the top two remaining, were me, Miss Penang and Ayang, Miss Perak. Ayang to me was my thoughest fight for Miss Malaysia 2003. Eventually, she got second and I won the title.

CD: You lost weight a bit during Miss Malaysia, tul tak?

LL: Lite lite sugiii lah jugak, turun lah sikit dari time Miss Universe 2003 tu, bentat yang maha azab. Ehehehehe.

CD: You dah crownkan this years' winner, Miss Malaysia 2004, kan?

LL: Yeap. Miss Malaysia 2004 this year yang diorganizedkan by Kak Sharmila of the Milla Entertainments dah pun berakhir. Contest tu telah diadakan on the 10th, October, at Saloma. T�was like, just a day after MU2004.

CD: How does it feel to give away the title balik?

LL: I felt a bit, a bit only ah� sad about it. Thinking that I will no longer be Miss Malaysia, thinking about the wonderful things that has happened to me throughout my whole reign. Yeah, terase la jugak. On the other hand, happy jugak sbb dah tak pikul burden as a title holder. Tak gittu Gingger? Hehehehehehehehehe.

CD: Dan ape perasan Lady bile u all kena crownkan Ayang, yang merupakan 1st Runner-Up last years� Miss Malaysia?

LL: Biase jer. She was and still is a good competitor. She has got that spirit in her yang I look up to. When I was in Saloma witnessing MM2004/05, I knew it, she�s gonna be my successor. And when I crownkan dia, I sempat bisik kat telinga dia �This time, the crown is yours Ayang�. She cried� cried like there�s no tomorrow. And the she replied �Thank you�� in sobbing tears lah kan� eheheheehe

CD: Ok. Berbalik kepada MU2004/2005. Congratulations! Anak ayam, anak didik you sendiri bolot the title ek? How does that feel?

LL: Thanks� Heheheh� ala ala je la laaaaaaaa. Dah rezeki dia. Sejarah about Sharleen (Miss Venezuela a.k.a MISS UNIVERSE 2004/2005) and me� I got to know this adik2 baru dari UNITEN nih waktu dia buat show waktu heats of Superstar Search 2004 kat Bleu Bar� mak tgk dia, macam, ada pontensi. So I soksek2 carik infos about her and stuff. Managed to get her number, called her up, told her I wanna help her get into Miss Universe 2004. She was a bit shocked but accepted my offer of jadik anak ayam I and for months la jugak, we do a bit of training here and there. I kasik dia tgk vcd2 miss I, suruh dia buat homework, test make up, this and that. To me, TO ME ek, not to anyone else which I tak bother sangat, this gal� she is, to me, cute, witty, ade brains to go along with her looks. So that�s why I berani pegang dia. Pasal we, kalau nak jadik mak ayam, can�t expect anak ayam datang cari kita and suruh kite jaga dia, sponsor this and that. Like Sharleen, I saw the qualities in her, I saw that she could go far� I saw the younger me� heheheheheh� so that�s why I took her as my anak ayam. It works that way. It�s like, mak ayam will devote and cari his or her own anak ayam and doesn�t work the other way round. So on that day of MU2004/2005, although I sibuk with work as committee member, buat shows opening with GlittersDotCom and what not, I tetap sempat siapkan dia, head to toe, kasik dia pakai dresses I, rambut, accessories, shoes and stuffs, semuenye I tanggung. And it was worth it. Worth sponsoring everything that I did. She was more than I expected. Honestly, I didn�t expect her to be in top 10, but when she got in, I was like, ok, Alhamdulillah. She made it. It was then up to her to continue her struggle and give out her best in the q/a session. And when she answered the way she did that night, there was a pinch of me saying she could be the next MU. And masin mulut mak, menjadik. Alhamdulillah. Dah rezeki dia� :)

CD: Before Sharleen, our new Miss Universe 2004/05, you memang dah berpengalaman ke siapkan orang utk contests nih?

LL: Ade lah you all, sekali dua tiga, tolong2 siapkan adik2 belakang stage.Tapi, I kalau siapkan orang pun, tetap maintain dalam keadaan drag. Hehehe..Ingat tak Miss Two Faces? Ehehehehe.. tetap dengan evening dress. That�s me. Biar lah apa orang nak kata janji I nak tampil meletop. Itu hak peribadi.

CD: Ha, that�s another thing. Heard you ade bukak boutique kan?

LL: Hehehe� well, I wouldn�t wanna call it a boutique but if you insist, ok jer la la la la la. I�ve got my own designs of dresses, from simple dresses to complicated designs. And from dresses, I�ve got wide range of accessories, which all nih, after I dah release, I selalunye sewakan. Accessories I sewakan, dresses I sewakan, shoes jer tidak. Bulu2, feathers2 utk shows pun ade I sewakan. (dengan nada perli)

CD: Nak perli mak bab bab bulu lah tu� heheh. Banyak ke dresses you tu?

LL: Banyak tu tak der lah banyak, ade lah dalam 29, 30 dresses. Most of it are my size, tapi ade yang size kecik2 jugak. Dalam MU2004/2005, the winner, Sharleen of Venezuela tu obviously wore my dress. Other contestants yang pakai my baju were Miss Paraguay dan Miss Spain�

CD: How lah to promote? Addresses ke, ape ke?

LL: Sesiape yang interested, nak take a look ke ape ke, can always call me at ***-*******. Tapi kena buat appointments lah kan. Sbb usually the days yang I would be free would be from Sundays till Tuesdays. Wednesdays till Sats, normally I�d be busy with shows.

CD: Oklah Lady, last question dah nih. Ok ke?

LL: Tarkkik you all� (tarkkik tu tak kisah�)

CD: And your advice to adik2 yang ingin jadik macam� macam� macam you?

LL: Jadik macam I? Perlu ke? Biar lah I sorang jer jadik macam I� eheheheh� tak gittu CD? Anyways, Hehehehe� Hmmmm� TIADA JALAN MUDAH NAK BERADA DI ATAS. WORK HARD, STRIVE HARD, IGNORE WHAT PEOPLE SAY, JUST BE YOU AND DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO. IF YOU WANNA BE SOMEBODY, WORK IT OUT AND NEVER GIVE UP YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS. Actually, it�s not easy to be on top, so called famous, people knows you and etc. I know it sounds fun. Believe me, it does.I mean, I really do know how it feels. Like, now, gi memana pun, even when I�m not in drag, still, people can kenal me as LL. It�s fun, knowing people kenal u. Feeling lah kan kadang2 tu, tapi, at times irritating jugak tapi nak buat cam mana, kan? Hehehehe. So in a way, I know how it feels like to be someone yang orang kenal kiri kanan, someone yang orang keeps on talking about, someone yang so called famous and glamour and all that sh*t. Sorry, mind my word. Tapi to get where I am now, I�ve worked hard. Did shows here and there, kena maki caci hamun sana sini. Kena kutuk. Masuk pageants tu pageants ini. I guess that�s how I got up here. But I guess it won�t be long before I head down. So I�m preparing myself for that moment. And for those yang nak merasa how I feel now, work hard. Strive hard. Be outgoing. Don�t feel shy of what and who you truly are. But most of all, just be yourself�:) But let me remind you one thing, it�s not always, all the time, shinning when you�re up there� Just be prepared� :)

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