Sunday, January 23, 2005

A Walk To Remember - [MISS MALAYSIA DIVA PAGEANT 2003/2004] Part I

-A Walk To Remember - [MISS MALAYSIA DIVA PAGEANT 2003/2004] Part I

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this 4 parts entry, I will basically tell all the fun and exciting things happening prior to Miss Malaysia Diva Pageant 2003/2004. From the state-selections, to the preliminary rounds and to the final night of the pageant� Everything, all out! Believe me, t�was a lifetime experience one could possible asks for. Dalam entry nih, I akan write everything yang I dah lalui from A to Z� Well� hopefully I still ingat la kan? Hehehe� don�t worry. Boleh kot�

June 2003
The news is out! Miss Malaysia Diva Pageant 2003/2004, organized by The Bleu Bar Managements, will be held in Dec 2003! The winner will walk away for a grand cash prize of RM5000, plus other attractive prizes. The news it out, a lot have been hoo-haa-�ing� here and there. And yes, I heard about it. A lot of my friends told me to participate, and try the state-selections thingie. I wanted to enter the pageant, but since I was busy flying here and there, I kept of like, erm, unable to see whats goin� on during the state-selections. Mengharapkan kengkawan jer lah tolong CNNkan kat I� Hehehehehe
The scenario was like this. The State-Selections will choose the best two. Hmmm� how do I put this into easy to understand words ek? Ok ok� I got.

Malaysia ade, 15 States. So every week, on Wednesday nights, kat the Bleu Bar Club, diaorang akan buat State Selections. Anyone was eligible to participate. Participation fee was like only RM50 � Kalau dapat ke Finals, Alhamdulillah. Kalau tak dapat, RM50 tu kire burn ah! Ehehehe. Anyways, in the State-selections, the contestants had to do a brief intro, and answer two qs. One q was from the MC, which was to answer a q, like, explaining ape yang kite tgh pakai, ape kaitannye dengan Negeri yang kite nak wakili, and then answer the second q, which the q datangnye dari one of the three professional judges. And then you do your catwalk thingie� and that was it! Tunggu lah results. Malam tu jugak results keluar. The best two, will go to the finals. Kire dalam state-selections, The Winner for State and the runner-up will represent the State to the Finals.

State Selections
June 18th � Miss Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan
June 25th � Miss Sabah
July 2nd � Miss Sarawak
July 9th � Miss Johor
July 16th � Miss Melaka
July 23rd � Miss Negeri Sembilan
July 30th � Miss Wilayah Persekutuan
Aug 6th � Miss Selangor
Aug 13th � Miss Pahang
Aug 20th � Miss Perak
Aug 27 � Miss Kedah
Sep 3rd � Miss Perlis
Sep 10th � Miss Penang
Sep 17th � Miss Kelantan
Sep 24 � Miss Terengganu

Oct 1st

Dec 20th

So ceritanye I, katanye, nak go for Wilayah Persekutuan at first. Tapi pikir-pikir balik, baik ambil Selangor, since July 30th yang for Miss Wilayah Persekutuan punye state selections, I was suppose to fly somewhere. So nevermind, I decided to take up Selangor. But then, Miss Selangor selections, only on August 6th. Waktu tgh kelam kabut tu, twas only like in late June. July punye roster dah out. That�s why I tahu I can�t compete for Wilayah Persekutan. Tapi, nak ambil Selangor, it�s it August. So basically I have to wait for mid July for my Augusts� roster to come out, and check lor, tengok roster, fly ke tidak. Tapi I dah called rostering department, mintak off on August 5th to 7th. So in the mean time, ade jugak pergi tgk selections states lain. Ade yang funny, ade yang serious, ade yang �Seriously you�re in the wrong contest?� Haa� yeap� that bad.

So after patiently menunggu� bile datangnye somewhere on 20th of July, roster flying I for August 2003 pun out. Check punye check, chis! I fly! The dates yang I requested tu, nan-adonye cuti! Geram sangat. Rase cam nak mc jer tapi, I said to myself, nevermind. Wilayah Persekutuan dah terlepas� Selangor no can do. Nevermind, why don�t I try Kedah. I don�t mind wakili tanahtumpahnye family I� hehehe.

Tapi as I touched down from London on August 26th pagi, petang tu I had some family matters that required me to fly back to Alor Star and yes, MELEPAS lagi ler state selections for Kedah. Dah elok elok cuti on August 27th tu, dah ade family matters kat kampung. I was like, mula to think that ade reason ke why semuenye asyik melepas je? Macam tak der rezeki nak kasik I masuk compete jer?

So banyak lah desas desus I dengar about me not competing; me scared la, me takut kalah la, that�s why tak masuk any of the state selections, tapi diaorang tahu ke the main reason? Tak semua tahu. Yang tahu are those whom I called, friends� And cerita yang I tak masuk pasal tak der sponsor pun ade jugak! Keji tau! Dan, cerita nih jatuh ketelinga one of our local designer, Abang Roy *NOTE � Not his real name*, yang boleh dikira like one of my best buddies, and favourite designer of all times�

So one day tah macam mana tah Abang Roy called me up and said;

Abang Roy : Ape nih abang dengar awak tak nak masuk Miss Malaysia sebab tak der sponsor?

Me : Astaga� siapa cakap?

Abang Roy : Kecoh lah satu Bukit Bintang!!

Me : Ish! Mana ade. Sebenarnye tak dapat cuti le� tu yang tak mampu nak masuk tu. Bukan pasal sponsor ape semue nye tu. I mean, kalau nak spend cari some nice traditional costume, I tak kisah Abang. I could always ask from you, kan? Tapi� cuti tu ha� sentap!

Abang Roy : Now dah negeri mana dah?

Me : Tah� tak amik tahu pun. Dah malas dah. Give up dah.

Abang Roy : Jangan cam tu. Awak leh menang lah. Abang tgk state state lain, biasa jer. Gedebas awak masuk, comfirm menang.

Me : Tah la Abang� I heard ade empat states jer lagi. Penang, Perlis � Kelan� (belum sempat nak habis nih)

Abang Roy : Ambil Penang! Abang ade kebaya Nyonya utk awak, memang meletop!

Me : La Abang nih. Kan orang cakap, orang tak dapat cuti. Hari Miss Penang Selections pun tak tentu fly ke tidak. Tak check pun roster.

Abang Roy : Dah keluar ke belum roster?

Me : Dah� bulan August nye dah keluar minggu lepas. But couldn�t be bothered nak check pun.

Abang Roy : Gi la check! Tunggu apa lagi. Ish dia ni!

And there it was� 9th and 10th of August 2003, OFF � 11th August � Fukuoka.
How could have I missed that info!?!?! God! Maybe because I was upset and already given up hope for it sebab 3 kali dah frust tertungging punye pasal, tak dapat nak compete for WP, SEL and KED� Tak sangka when all doors were shut tight, somehow one of the window was still open up for me� and yes, it was Miss Penang State Selections.

And so from there, bersemangat kental balik la. Sibuk nih carik some of my professional make up artiste friends yang boleh make up kan I. I mean, I do know how to do my own make up but when it comes to competing, I think it�s best that I relax and let the make up people do their work, right? Then sibuk masuk keluar masuk keluar boutique Abang Roy. Fitting the kebaya nyonya yang dia kata meletop tu. MEMANG va va vast! Twas in green� the kebaya top was a see-through chiffon material with a green and gold songket corset inside, with a matching green batik. Classic! And then off I went with my friend, Vee, cari accessories to go with my looks, and some hair clips, diamonds and what not. Vee, also will be my make up artist, who agreed upon doing my make up for the state selections, to the preliminaries to the finals, InsyaAllah me and her said. But at that time, not to win the top 2 spots yang I nak� It�s WINNING THE STATE title yang I aim for. Tahu la the 1st runner-up pun get to go the finals with the State Winner, tapi, self satisfactionsnye, ade ke? Nan ado! That�s why I aimed to win Miss Penang 2003/2004.

Next blog entries:
PART II Miss Penang State Selection
PART III The Preliminary Round
PART IV Miss Malaysia Diva 2003/2004 Pageant final night.

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