Monday, January 31, 2005

It's my 100th Blog Entry at!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlement, I bring you - my 100th blog entry!!!

Kwang kwang kwangg! Can you imagine? Dah sampai seratus (100) dah? Isk isk isk... dasat tu! Ekekeke. Anyways, I couldn't reach this digits if it wasn't for you guys - the readers - yang beri sokongan, moral support and stuff... thank you! I coun't make it without you. And yes I would like thank all my fans, my readers, the press, media, the world, the universe, and not forgetting my sick on and off Granny - yang selalu ku guna namanye... my parents - although diaorang tak selalu disebut inside this blog u two will always be in my heart - CEH! WHAT IS THIS? Nobel Prize acceptance speech? Chit!

Anyways...after my last entry just now, had a cooolld shower - boy that was a relief... then katanye nak nap sekejap. Sedar2 mak tok dah calling malling for me for berbuka... tertidur setengah jam sunndellll!!!! Ekekeke.. bangun, mamai sekejap.. gi cuci muka and then terus berbuka... ahhhhh THAT feeling of AAAHHH SEDAPP NYE air sejuk!!! Mueieueiueieueieu

Lepas berbuka - solat terus. Then only baru kemas dapur. Pas kemas dapur, tgk tv for awhile dengan mak tok - BERITA la what else? True - I JARANG tgk TV. Who needs TV when you have INTERNET? Kwang kwang kwang! Then baca a page or two from quran japs then Isya' and then, SETAN NAIK TANDUK SURUH MASUK ONLINE! Ehehehehe and here I am.. ;p

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