Saturday, February 12, 2005

~Another piece of entry- from the bottom of my broken heart~

Dearest blog readers and followers... Good Morning. It's Saturday... *SIGH*

I know I should be in bed by now - since I am working later. But the thing is I can't sleep, thinking about something, thinking about what I'd say, life...

Ever experienced the feelings of having two different person ie in terms of different looks and personalities but actually, shares the same heart, mind and soul? It's like having an inferiority complex- well, it is actually, right?...

It's like having A - a guy and B - a girl, combined as AB as one but in A's world. How severe can that get?

I think there's one person who really knows how that should feel like. I like to introduce him/her, as C. C is basically an A, but deep inside C is actually a B. Many people knows C as B - smart beautiful intelligent - but the truth is, C is actually suffering severe pain, for C is dying to introduce A into the world too...

I don't know; this may sound pathetic and stupid but some people do experience this. WOMAN, trapped in a MAN'S world? Ever heard of that expression before?

I don't exactly know what my points are - or what am I trying to convience here but one thing I do know - regardless whether you see C as B, or A, whichever comes in first in sequence, basically, C is still C - a mix of a lil of A, some of B... that's what makes C so special. But I guess, some of u, not too blind, just, tooooooo stubborn to accept the fact that what makes C so special is becoz C has the privilledge of both worlds - A's and B's world, add up, to make one hell of a personality....

Some say - When C is A, C is actually different when C becomes' B. But the truth is, no matter what mask C uses to cover, either covering B's personality or A's real attitude - C will always be C.... Of course A and B is totally different - what do you expect. One is a fcuka and the other one is a mega biatch. SO... its pretty much obvious their different. But most importantly, what's so different about those two, A and B? They have a mind on their own that no one can ever tell what they are.. :)

I don't know - I'm starting to talk shits already here folks... eyes rolling - sleepy. I think I'll take up another cigger and then sleep. Pls GOD let me feel better tomorrow morning? I mean, later... Pls make me feel glad just to be me as C, a combi of both, A and B's attitude, strong will and determinations to survive another day.... yes, after all, tomorrow is just another day...

So misserably blanked...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not actually, you are what you are... tell the truth sometimes its hard for me to accept this 'C' person. WHY? WHY?.. and WHY?... so many question... but hey they are human too... be yourself... there are some 'A' people that don't become what they are supposed to... taking shit (drugs) until they can take their own parents life away... aye?... instead you have a life.. your own normal life... should be proud of that... just don't be like those worthless 'A' and 'B' okay?...