Tuesday, February 01, 2005

WAKE UP!!! It's February 1st!!!

"Heeelllll" has never beeeen "looww" ppl!!!!!! Eheheeh Yes yes, it's hello! Ehehe

My my! What a refreshing day to begin! Sun's up, birds singing- kids goin' to school school buses here and there, moms' sending off baby to nursery and off to work, daddy's behind her and playing eyes with me,... hehehe AS IF~ anyways, back to the glory morning - mamak paper throwing papers kat rumah2, can see warga2 tua walking slowly, ade yang jogging, ade yang tai chi... all these, glooorious morning - and me, up and away, dah sahur tadik, subuh dah, page or two with my quran, and now, nak get ready to hit to 1st day at work at daddy office northern branch? MAKES ME SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

Why??? Why am I cursed this way? Firstly ditipu waktu disuruh balik AS. They (my looooooovely parents) told me Granny wanted me sooooo much to come back to Kedah and stay with her and take care of her since she's sick and on her dying bed - not 100% true!!!! Granny sick - YES but then again, on and off. Sometimes she's ok, cool, sometimes she's sick. SHE was the one wanted ME TO COME BACK - NO!!! She did not do such request! Itwas my parents idea to get me BACK to AS! It's the only way they figured out for them to get me back to Kampung - becoz of granny. They know I'd sooo do anything for her... and so I did - gave up dancing, men, limelight, pr, social world! WHY! WHY ME!!?!?!

Oh enough of these sacret confession thingie.. ehhehe.. nak tak nak I have to go. Will read my morning STAR kejap and then, yes, off to work.. ewwwwww.. Today told mak tok I'll buy her lunch jer lah. She said she'll cook the rice, dia nak I tolong belikan lauk jer. I said ok. Nak ikutnye I don't have to go back sbb I'm fasting but then kesian lak org tua tu kang. My uncle pun keje. Nak harapkan cousin cute mek tu? NAN ADO LEH HARAP! I have to discuss with my parents about this - takkan makan lauk beli everyday? I mean... One month nih I yang rajin do the cooking and what not. How ek? But my dad did mention something about me don't have to go to office everyday every hour since I am my own Areal Manager - GOSH! I prefer the name CEO Northern Region better - CHEH!!!! Ehehe.. anyways, I guess today and these few days jer kot I have to be around the office a lot to get myself serasi dengan tempat keje and my employees.. gosh! Now I have my own employees... cool! Hopefully ade yang can-do can-do and tak der yang lagik lawa darii mek! Kalau ade - WOMAN- U're fired! But why Miss Lea? She may ask - I'll answer- simple! U're cinderella, me step sister.. get it?!?!?!?!?! Eheheh tak lah.. AM not that kejam.. paling busuk I just suruh dia cuci toilet office tu.. ehehehehe

Ok ok ... it's 8.15am... got to be there by 9am... anything I will update later yer...

Working - again - LEA

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