Sunday, February 27, 2005

End of 1st day of "BERUBAT KAMPUNG"

Sunday February 27th 2005 - 11:44PM
Dearest all, blog readers and viewers,
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh...

In just less than 10 minutes, habis lah 1st day treatment nak buang 'IT' tu... badan I nih berbau pinang/ sirih tah pe pe tah... Ewww!!!!! Sakit? Still - a bit - the whole day belakang tu aching jer... :*(

Sent mommy back to the airport today - eh - just now. Flight 9.15pm ex AOR to KUL on MH ape tah... couldn't be bothered.

Pastu went for a drink with couple of friends - Miss Nabilla Natsha and friends (Miss G tahu kan kan kan kan?)

Then came back home - buat treatment tu (the daun sirih tah ape tah sapu kat belakang badan tu) and then online japs je nih just to put my last entry for the day - esok sambung la kot...

To Miss G - Never fear of being lonely. Of course you tend to forget how it feels like to love and be loved, but seriously girl, NEVER think you're alone, WHEN YOU HAVE 'HIM' The all mighty and your friends... I know love from us friends cant be compared to the love of someone u really like and love, but the love from HIM and loving HIM - is by far the most precious love to be recieved and to give... Give yourselt time girl - don't over stress yourself over this matter. Find love, NEVER - but let love find you, YES...

Take care peeps!

Goodnight and regards,
Sick Lea - hoping to recover...


I ended this entry exactly at 11:59

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