Sunday, February 20, 2005

Girls day out - Miss L and Miss G!!!

Dearest blog readers and viewers,

Today; hectic is the word. Picked up Miss G at the exclusive RM3.00 bus-ride terminal; ehehehe... she was simple, so I looked better I guess. And so we went straight for lunch - yes I berbuka half way. Tak tergamak see kawan makan sorang2. Kesian dia. So I joined also... ehehehe. Eat talk eat talk - ngumpat - the usual activity for two ex beauty queens... (PS - Miss G was also a beauty queen... in 2003. She kalahkan me, unexpectedly! I got third and she won RM1000 first prize - well, this is MY BLOG, MY LIFE, MY STORY - dinch la kan citer pasal kejayaan Miss G tu? Aiyoh! Dia buat hyperlink to CD's blog regarding her winning moments and q/a tu, habislah mek!) So anyways after sedap menjamu selera ( mek yang belanja dia tau... eheehehe walhal iyer iyer jer wanted her to belanja in the first place tapi memandangkan I nih baik, belanja lah sekali sekala. She did her share waktu me went to see her in Gurun tu, she already belanja me KFC maaaah? Eheheh.. kire adil la kan? ;p) So anyways, after lunch, me and her pusing2 kejap around town before heading to our Mak Ayam Besar Kedah's boutique/salon - Miss N (Nabilla Natasha Neffreffruitti - Miss G, kelas nama tak nama Mak Ayam Nabila?Ehehe) We went there initially wanna do facials - despite the "FRIENDS FOREVER" thingie all over our faces, kan Miss G? Tapi after watching my Miss World Diva 2004 Pageant VCD, Miss G got sooo into it that she said "Ah nevermind the facials - I wanna enjoy watching this beautiful Miss Dominican Repulic - I so much adore her. I wanna be just like her when I grow up.." Those words were from her and I felt truly honored, moved, saddened and touched... awww... HEHEHEH!

Then after some hoo haa hee hoi here and there, me sent Miss G back - No not to Gurun just to the exclusive 5-star bus terminal - and off she went back... jalan lenggang lenggok mak limah from my car to the bus.. ehehehe.. cute! OMG! Did I just say that she's cute!?! EEEWW!

So I went back - slept off after Qada my Zohor and did my Asar - tidur saaaaampai I got up for 'berbuka' i.e dinner - mak tok was talking about something - I just couldn't be bothered. I was more concerned about the sms from that guy I told you guys about...

"I wish I could talk till the end of the day, but now I'm running out of things to say. So I'll end by the line you already know, I miss you more than what I could show..."
Awwww Miss G! Isn't this abfab!?!?!? *Mek tahu Miss G tgh kumpul points nak kutuk mek balik dalam comment area! Ehehehehe*

So anyways, after dinner- cleaned up kitchen as usual. Then Cinderella did her Maghrib prayers and prayed Miss G will get into Top 6 MWU2005... ehehe.. then am back online.. :) Oh wait - Do I smell something burning???? BE RIGHT BACK!

10 minutes later - BACK!
Smelled something burning but I guess it's just my nose... Hmmmmm

Ok so - the moral of the entry is this - Miss G! I HAD SUCH A WONDERFUL AFTERNOON WITH YOU GIRL - from the bottom of my heart. Although you brought no rain... but still, your visit was good enough. We should do this more often you know. Maybe catch a movie or something.. ehehehe

Oh well - enough "AWARD WINNING ACCEPTANCE SPEECH" thingie... I wanna go online chatting tonight! Hopefully - I'l bump into HIM!...eekekekeke

Regards peeps... and Miss G - do your best! NO NO NO! Not for MISS WORLD UNIVERSE u silly cunt! I meant, COMMENT! MAK TAHU KO BANYAK NAK CARUTS MEK BALIK after reading alllllll my weekend entries yang banyak cakap pasal ko. Saje mek propar u girl- like- you're now, a MYSTERY GIRL who is somewhat a close friend with Miss Lea Laurielle a.k.a Miss L ex Miss Malaysia.. ekeke.. tetap nak menangkan diri sendirik itieeww! EhehehehE

Bye peeps! I'll see you guys with another hot newspaper review entry tomorrow!!!


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