Thursday, February 03, 2005

Valentine - Alone - A big yaaayy yaayy am Alone! Or a big AWWWWWW I'm all alone?

Ladies and gentlemen,

YES - I am single now, .. But do I like being single now!??!?!?
Some say that since now that I am single, and I have a beautiful bod to use and not to be abused, and that I'm beautiful, they think I should go out and party. No la... I can't. Thats because I'm not beautiful - MAC made me beautiful!
It's all make up - without them (honestly without MAC, L`0reaL, MIYAMI, KRAYOLON and Wales Eye Shadows) I'd be one of Cinderella's step sistas or an add up of both! Ehhehe, well, not quite THAT ugly though... ;p

Go out and party!?!? ALONE!? That would be a big, HUGE mistake - partyin' alone in gay/les/bi scene in KL is a huge mistake! They'll take me as a loser! I'd rather stay home and dance or walk upside down on my hands... and sing "Alllll byyyy myyseelfff!!!!!" or "I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!!!"

True I don't have to 'punch' card telling ma man about "Oh honey I'll be back soon.. promise - before 2am" or "Hey I'm back now... goodnight honey - see u tomorrow" thingie - although I do miss doin' em but still.. yeah, I'm free but why do I still miss doin' all those shits? Could it be the fact that I don't wanna be single? Although I could use those massage boys to come back with me.. hehehehe notty!

I envy you people who can be friends with your ex. Me, I think it's this... FRIENDSHIP to LOVE - a YES YES, but LOVE to FRIENDSHIP - a NO NO NO! It'll definitely hit me back to GET HIM BACK!

Remember I post a bulletin about "Would you guys still be friends after you clash with your lover?" REMEMBER WHAT I REPLIED??? I said I DONT MIND being his friend still - provided itwas a happy ending - clash thingie. But since it happened THIS way, I don't know now... - no way? You think that's the way?

Or what about the time I posted "AFTER YOU CLASH - ARE YOU GONNA TAKE BACK ALL YOUR THINGS WITH HIM, AND PASS BACK TO HIM ALL HIS THINGS THAT ARE STILL WITH YOU?" Remember what I ANSWERED? "No need laaah... I mean, I don't mind passing back his stuffs, maybe those stuffs he wants em back. As for my stuffs, I'll let him keep" NOT! Now I WANT ALL OF MY STUFFS BACK!

Am I a sicko or what? Good advices, good bulletins with "OH SHE IS SO SWEET AND SMART" kind of replies - but in reality, ADO!?!?!?!?! NON-ADO!!!!!

Yeap.. VERY TRUE - Valentine is just another day - TO BE ALONE!..... :(

Regards with love,
Lea - Don't worry about the :( sign - I am ok still... I think? Hmmm.. ;p

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