Saturday, March 19, 2005

30 Questions... Answers? Work it out yourself! Goodluck!

Dearest all...

Mek dah kembalik!!! Yer, as promised, here are some questions yang selalunye disoal waktu beauty pageants - during the q/a round. Some of the qs ade diambil dari contest2 yang mek dah masuk. Ade some from Miss Universe / Miss World pageants yang mek rekodkan dalam... no, not on videos... dalam kepala otak mek lah! Ehehehe... Well... How I wish I nak jawab semua soalan2 yang akan ku kemukakan. Tapi nanti itiew ade org kata mek overina pulak - so mek soal jer la nah? OK OK - atas permintaan sesetengah pihak, mek akan jawab SOME of the questions my way, but mek buat ala ala short2 answer jer la. Mek bukan US Grad pun nak jawab pepanjang, HEHEHEH!

1. If you could change one thing that you did here, TONIGHT, what would it be and why?
Earlier on, after getting into this stage, I forgot to say, "THANK YOU GOD"! If I could change anything, tonight, I would turn back the clock and so right after the emcee annouced my name into the top 10, I would say in my heart, and out loud, THANK YOU GOD!"

2. If you could live your life as someone else, who would you be, and why?

3. Some say that, it's a man's world. What do you think?

4. Given the chance to choose between smart or beautiful but not both, which one will you
choose and why?
I would definitely choose to be smart becoz beauty is something that comes from within. And if you're smart enough to know that you have self confidence in you, by all means you are already beautiful...

5. What is beauty. Share with us your definition of beauty

Beauty is pain! Why? No one likes you when you're pretty, everyone wants a piece of you when you're beautiful, so call it jealous and envy. To me, beauty that comes from within, still, pointless as it can't be seen by all - only those smart ones will see the true skin-deep-beauty

6. What is love from your point of view?

7. Should you win tonight's pageant, what's the first thing that you would do?


8. Between living in a palace of pain and a prison of pleasure, which one would you choose and
tell us why?

9. Do you believe in "Happily Ever After"?

10. 100 years from today, who would historians select as the most influential woman in the 21st century and why?

In my opinion, a 100 years from today, so be it 500 years from today, the most influential woman, that I could think of, is Mother Theresa. She helped everyone, the poor, the sick. She didn't asked for anything in return. All she wanted was, I quote her saying "I want them *the children* to have food in their mouth, and happiness".

11. Should you wake up one day and found out that you have been turned into a MAN, what would be the first thing you do?


12. Would you rather be Grace Kelly or Audry Hepburn?

13. What do you think of the colour, RED?

14. Would you vote for a particular political candidate because of his or her marital infidelity?

15. Who do you think should make birth control decisions - the government, or individual
woman herself?

16. If you could go back in time, and meet one famous person, who would it be, and why?

There are so many famous people that I would like to meet, but one person would probably Lady Godiva. She has proven to world that a woman has the courage, and the ability to stand up for what she believes in and I wanna meet her simple becoz I wanna ask her personally, why did she ride on that horse without any clothes on...

17. Stranded on an island alone - what are the three things that you want to have with you?

18. Who would you think, among the top 10 tonight, including you, should win the coveted crown and title tonight?

As much as I wanna say, I should win the title, *make sure u giggle a bit* but I believe, truly, that, EVERYONE has the equal rights and chances to win tonight...

19. If you have the power to influence people, what would you wanna say to the world and let them believe and follow you?

20. Is racism, skin colours, an issue for you? Let us know your point of view.

21. Why should tonights' crown be yours? Tell us why...

22. What is your best quality, and your worst quality?

23. Stranded in a jungle with only one book - which book would you choose?

I would definitely want to have the "MANUAL TO SURVIVE IN A JUNGLE - ALONE"

24. What's the greatest challenge by becoming your country's rep. in tonight's competition?

25. What do you think of beauty pageants and people who take part in it?

I think that it is a time where the contestant would be able to measure the degree of their own ugliness *Oh, make sure u wink a lil! Ekeke*

26. If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?

I would go on and do what I wanna do in life. And knowing that I would not fail, I would do EVERYTHING!

27. Describe your feelings now, at this point...

28. Name three criterias that you want your man to have?

29. What do you think of marriage?

I believe that marriage is a very sacret thing and an everlasting commitment is very important...

30. Would there be any world peace?

Of course, different people, different lah answernye kan? Tapi the most important tip here, bukan memahami soalan itiew. I mean, memang la kena paham soalan itiew, tapi in beauty contests, there is no right or wrong answer. Judges are there nak tgk how fluent and confident u jawab, biar lah merapu *JGN LA MERAPU OVER DOSE KELUAR TOPIC PULAK!*. And I believe, the way to get into the judges heart, most importantly, THE CROWD's attention - try to be sweet yet sensitive about the q (a bit serious when it comes to certain time) and most of all, I always believed that by being a bit funny, you could easily get them to laugh a lil and thus get their attention rather than jawab blaaa blaa blaa facts facts facts- orang pun muak...

Ok - time to sleep. Now its, eh!?! Its 12am plus? BARU!? Hmmm - Mek rase mek nak makan lah lagi. Elok utk kesihatan badan dan kecerdasan minda kalau makan tetengah malam pastu tidur! Ehehe. Ok peeps! See ya when I see ya! Bubbye! And GOOD LUCK to those yang nak compete nanti! I hope entry nih sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu u ols semue prepare utk q/a session.. See ya!!!

Sincere regards, with best wishes,

Nurlea Laurielle Lai Lee Abdullah

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