Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Good morning Malaysia! Time to start another day...

Dearest blog readers,

Good morning *Yawing, stretching...* Me just finished yet another surah. Don't ask what surah but I know it's the surahs after Surah Yassin and dah cecah lepas juzuk 24 dah. Yeap, pagi nih early start for me. Guess I have somewhat something to write kot. But am not gonna do it in this entry. This entry is dedicated to appreciate the beauty of morning, smellin' the fresh brewed coffee, hearing the birds singin', - what is this? One of those drama-me-tingtong-feeling again is it? Haiyoh! Sentap! Eheheheeh

Nevermind... me nak gi siapkan breakfast for granny. Yes, today mek puasa ok! Behold! Me start to puasa again, THAT'S IT! Ehehehe... macam leh hilangkan berat mek yang dah maha melampau nih dah. Tak pe, akan kucuba dan kugigihkan.

About the next big hit tu, it's all idea bersama seorang hamba Allah nun jauh di sana, di luar negara. He and me, well, lets just say we had quite an arguement about it... dari the part nak just discuss, sampai to the part we actually gaduh about it...

lea_laurielle (12:05:22 AM): Abang

lea_laurielle (12:05:25 AM): kasik idea sikit

lea_laurielle (12:05:34 AM): i wanna write something - erm, BIG!

lea_laurielle (12:05:37 AM): something - HIT!

lea_laurielle (12:05:41 AM): malam nih, now jugak!

z_uk (12:05:56 AM): confession u pot smoker

lea_laurielle (12:06:27 AM): I pot smoker!?

z_uk (12:06:57 AM): ok apa pot smoker

z_uk (12:07:07 AM): bukan nyer heroin all that

z_uk (12:07:11 AM): herb

lea_laurielle (12:07:16 AM): masalahnye I ade buat kat pot pot itiew?

lea_laurielle (12:07:18 AM): dinch u ols

z_uk (12:07:43 AM): ok.....story abt ur scandal dgn vvip

z_uk (12:07:54 AM): v v i p

lea_laurielle (12:08:06 AM): errrr ade ke... oh yeah .. EH!

lea_laurielle (12:08:09 AM): MANA LEH!

lea_laurielle (12:08:11 AM): MAU MAMPOS!

lea_laurielle (12:08:21 AM): panas terus blogspot I itiew!

z_uk (12:08:48 AM): abt pasal buku da vinci code

lea_laurielle (12:08:59 AM): excuse me?

z_uk (12:09:32 AM): da vinci semua tgh dok citer pasal buku ni

lea_laurielle (12:09:39 AM): errrr???

z_uk (12:09:52 AM): bakal jadi movie next yt

z_uk (12:09:56 AM): yr

lea_laurielle (12:10:12 AM): so it's gonna be like one of the those book-review entry ah?

lea_laurielle (12:10:21 AM): the thing is - nak buat entry cam tu, I have to read the book

z_uk (12:10:23 AM): tak payah review....

lea_laurielle (12:10:27 AM): I dont even KNOW the book existed

lea_laurielle (12:10:34 AM):

z_uk (12:10:46 AM): haa camtu be among the 1st kat msia

z_uk (12:10:54 AM): author dan brown

lea_laurielle (12:11:09 AM): lerrr

lea_laurielle (12:11:11 AM): 1st ke?

lea_laurielle (12:11:18 AM): tah tah kat KL tu org dok sebok sembang dah

lea_laurielle (12:11:26 AM): those bookworms and what not

lea_laurielle (12:11:33 AM): I jer yang maha lembab

z_uk (12:12:15 AM): ok....create scenario mcm u gaduh2 ngan someone

lea_laurielle (12:12:20 AM): CREATE?

z_uk (12:12:33 AM): thats how spinner work

z_uk (12:13:00 AM): to make thing big..or at least to get attention...

z_uk (12:13:16 AM): no false...cuma u make it big deal

lea_laurielle (12:13:26 AM): Hmmm

lea_laurielle (12:13:33 AM): masalahnye I tak der gaduh ngan sapa sapa pon.....

Mana arguementnye? Mana bab gaduhnye? Isk - personal itiew. Dinch boleh publish. And besides, if publish nanti, semue isi kandungan fight tu jugak akan mek ketengahkan dalam my next big hit itiew? So apa kejadah motifnye mek nak publish itiew semue dan biarkan my next entry itiew, sure-rerun? Eheheheeheh Dinncchh u ols!!!! Tu kiteorang chatted kat YM sampai 12:13:33Am - walhal we ended the chat at around, about an hour later. Sbb he's in UK dan waktu mek chat ngan dia tu sah sah ptg kot? Dia nak bersukan ke ape tah - kalau idak confirm sambung lagi itiew.

But this Z in Uk nih *Note Z is not his real name... obviously, its just a letter - duh? Ekeke... Anyways, this Z nih, dia nih someone best jugak kalau when it comes to DISCUSSING and nak ber argue about certain issue. Sedap bergaduh dengan dia - laju jadiknya type msg... ekeke...

The part yang kitaorang really bebetul punye berdebat was when he keutarakan soal Ponda... illegal atau legal?

z_uk (12:44:47 AM): nak lagi best tulis entry pasal ni...Pondan..Legal or Illegal??

z_uk (12:45:07 AM): sure ramai yg ank comment

lea_laurielle (12:45:21 AM): hmmmmmmmmmm

lea_laurielle (12:45:29 AM): sah sah kita tau terang2 kat malaysia - illegal

lea_laurielle (12:45:30 AM): duh?

lea_laurielle (12:45:30 AM): ekek

z_uk (12:45:39 AM): u sure?

z_uk (12:45:51 AM): kalau illegal kenapa ada all the ocntest?

z_uk (12:45:56 AM): contest

lea_laurielle (12:46:10 AM): siape cakap contests tu semue LEGAL?

z_uk (12:46:39 AM): ok kalau illegal kenapa tak kena serbu?

lea_laurielle (12:46:42 AM): kalau JAWI / JAIS serbu - HABIS LAH!

lea_laurielle (12:46:59 AM): SBB - contest2 nih dibuat AS PRIVATE FUNCTIONS in 5-star hotels

z_uk (12:47:02 AM): yg pergi disco boleh kena tangkap kenapa tak yg contest tu

lea_laurielle (12:47:08 AM): disco is PUBLIC

lea_laurielle (12:47:24 AM): mana ade contest2 tu diaorang buat kat DISCO? Itu seperti kes gali kubur sendiri ler

z_uk (12:47:40 AM): in this modern era......tak kan laa org tak tahu adanya contest tu

z_uk (12:47:48 AM): internet all that

lea_laurielle (12:47:59 AM): tahu but what can they do when its done in a hotel under prvt function?

z_uk (12:48:05 AM): even as private function...nothing can stop them

lea_laurielle (12:48:11 AM): oh darling

lea_laurielle (12:48:17 AM): they can be stopped

lea_laurielle (12:48:18 AM): u see

z_uk (12:48:23 AM): no...

lea_laurielle (12:48:32 AM): as long as the event is NOT under the direct name of A PAGEANT

lea_laurielle (12:48:35 AM): they have no rights

z_uk (12:48:42 AM): not agree

lea_laurielle (12:48:42 AM): events tu lets say "GATHERING"

lea_laurielle (12:48:50 AM): and the pageants tu macam ,show sampingan

lea_laurielle (12:49:04 AM): what do u mean u tak agree! ITU KENYATAAN - tak perlu u nak persoalkan!

z_uk (12:49:12 AM): still salah....sama kes ...stripper kat prvt function

lea_laurielle (12:49:19 AM): tu lain

lea_laurielle (12:49:22 AM): STRIP dah SALAH!

z_uk (12:49:30 AM): hahaha apa yg lain

lea_laurielle (12:49:35 AM): bogel bogel tu PUBLIC pun salah PRIVATE PUN SALAH!

lea_laurielle (12:49:45 AM): pageants nih macam show2

z_uk (12:49:50 AM): mendedahkan aurat....and then in ur kes...berpakaian seperti wanita......

lea_laurielle (12:50:00 AM): abis - KENAPASAL SENARIO leh drag waktu shoot SCENE utk show diaorang!?

lea_laurielle (12:50:04 AM): answer answer!

lea_laurielle (12:50:13 AM): urgh!

z_uk (12:50:15 AM): thats the arguement

z_uk (12:50:23 AM): the double standard

z_uk (12:50:30 AM): kejap boleh

z_uk (12:50:34 AM): kejap tka boleh

lea_laurielle (12:50:45 AM): drag utk show2 memang sah sah terang2 boleh

z_uk (12:50:45 AM): itu ur point dlm entry

lea_laurielle (12:50:54 AM): DRAG UNTUK MELACUR DAN BERPELESERAN - itu dinch!

z_uk (12:50:56 AM): u sure?

lea_laurielle (12:51:29 AM): oh so u tak dgr lah how menteri kabinet dalam usaha nak luluskan PONDAN DRAG in KL utk buat SHOW dan pegeants saje?

lea_laurielle (12:51:51 AM): sbb its how diaorang carik makan - BUT NO TOLERANSI BAGI MEREKA UTK MELACUR

lea_laurielle (12:52:03 AM): aha! U havent been doin' ur hommyworky...

lea_laurielle (12:52:11 AM): hehe tetap nak menanG!

z_uk (12:52:21 AM): bukan pasal dgr tak dgr....tapi the syariah law dah jelaskan...salah

lea_laurielle (12:52:27 AM): see thats why I was Penang state best debater 2 years in a row - I NEVER quit!

lea_laurielle (12:52:46 AM): jgn nak kembangkan kes bawak ke Syariah pulak!

z_uk (12:52:58 AM): becoz itu laa arguement nyer

z_uk (12:53:11 AM): sbb jawi ada juridicsion on that

z_uk (12:53:43 AM): see...even me and u boleh argue on this

lea_laurielle (12:53:45 AM): dan selagi berpakaian perempuan itu hanya utk show dan contest2 dan bukan sekadar utk kehidupan seharian, diaorang tak amik kisah la

lea_laurielle (12:53:56 AM): YOU ALWAYS ARGUE NGAN I LA YANG!

z_uk (12:53:57 AM): imagine u tulis ni kat entry

lea_laurielle (12:54:03 AM): Hmmm

lea_laurielle (12:54:09 AM): I could just copy and paste this, kan?

z_uk (12:54:18 AM): tak amik kisah dgn illegal is different lea

lea_laurielle (12:54:20 AM): i ACTUALLY memang ARGUED with someone!

lea_laurielle (12:54:40 AM): z_uk : tak amik kisah dgn illegal is different lea---> So what? RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN!

z_uk (12:55:28 AM): hehehe.......if u answer mcm tu....kita akan pusing2 sampai bila pun tak abis

See - even bab itiew pun kami nak debatkan. But truly, that's not what both of us were really discussing about. Nih yang pasal legal tak legal, Jawi tak Jawi nih, dah lepas kitaorang discuss about my next topic entry itiew. Ini kes dia nak menyakat dan nak test kewibawaan mek nak berdebat dengan dia... that's it lah! Salah org la! eheheheeh...

But above all - Z, Thank you! I had fun arguing with you! Eehehe...

Sincere regards, with best wishes,

Nurlea Laurielle Lai Lee Abdullah


Anonymous said...

kalau laa semua kejahatan dpt diatasi...nescaya Allah x wujud kan neraka...oleh itu percaya surga & neraka itu adalah benar...sometimes ppl always forget..or they already knew...but the point is they always follow their heart without thinking of Iman...InsyaAllah, Allah Tuhan yg Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang...dambakan laah rahmat Nya

Anonymous said...

"Wings, prayers and teddy bears"

a song I composed, ader ni:

"Can you hear the thunder,
in a little girls tears?
Can you mend her broken heart
and soothe all her fears?"