Wednesday, March 09, 2005

So much for swimming - AGAIN!

Dearest all,
It's midnight - and no, I didn't go swimming - instead, I stayed at home sampai lepas Maghrib, then I though of sudden-shopping. Beli ape? Ala - bende2 remeh temeh jer - table lamp, 2 wall-mirrors, some cds... remeh temeh jer kan? Hehehehe

Came back just nice at 9.45pm, mandi again - then Isya'. Lepas tu sebok redecorate my room ala ala laaaa... ehehehe. Pastu chatted on the phone with my cousin who called, all-of-a-sudden giituuu... so lepas tu, minum2 kat dapur lah, isap rokok japs lah - then, tgk2 jam, midnight... tsk tsk tsk tsk...

Dua malam dah mek kempunan nak swimming - yesterday maintainance. Hari nih, mek gatal puks dinch mau gi swimming - alasan, shopping. Hmmm... alasan shopping itiew leh diterima akal - but yesterdays' maintainance kat swimming pool itiewww was unacceptable! Hheeheh

Mana entry meletop? Errr... nanti lah - if everyday entry meletop2, nanti by next week, my memory bank dah zero dah! Ha, siapa nak jawab? Rileks... rileks... while in myspace pun bukannye everyday ade hit-entry. Speaking of myspace, mek getting worried about that networking-friends page itiew. Makin lama makin kerap mek tgk 'unexpected errors' lah, 'page contains no datas' la, itu la ini la... biasa lah. Myspace kan dah expand yang maha zast - everyday thousands of people signing up for that service. Thanks Gods Mek buat this blogpage - at least leh la jugak ku jadikkan my webpage, kan kan kan? Hmmmm...

As you may or may not noticed - nih, mek nak cakap - cuba tgk2 sikit bawah banner itiew. Mek siap buat credits ala ala award acceptance speeh lagik ok. To those yang names nye unlisted dlm list itiew, I mintak maaf. I tried my level best nak letak semue nama tapi itiew jer yang termampu at that time mek ingat - tak per, lepas2 nih kalau ade lagik, mek letak nah. Tapi I remembered nama nama penting yang telah sama-sama menjayakan this blogpage... Thanks agains nah? Eheheehehehe. Also!!! Cuba perhatikan elok2 ape2 new features mek dah addkan by the left handside ofthe page, kat side board itiew... check it out la nah... :) Anggap jer ini dah macam homepage mek - since I'm a bit worried nanti myspace tu kaput - so atleast mek ade dah back up system kat sini... ehehehehe. Nantilah, I think I pindahkan most of the infos dlm profile mek kat myspace itiew kat sideboard blogspot mek ini, ok ke tak? Hmmmm

Oklah - time to do some editing kat template mek lagik before i head to bed. Mean time, keep those comments coming guys, leave those msgs kat my tagboard and erm, sign guestbook, vote, and smuenye lah - coz without your support, endless confidensiii on me and also itiew devoted time itiew, I don't think I could have come this far, dalam time2 mek tgh 'jatuh'... thank you again!

Take care people!!!

Nurlea Laurielle Lai Lee Abdullah signing off, Goodnight and wasalam

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