Wednesday, March 09, 2005

So it's 9pm - just another entry...

Dearest all blog viewers, readers, friends...

Yaaaayyy!! I went swimming just now. Suke sangat dapat jumpe 3 ol' buddies. But sad part, PENUH DENGAN BUDAK2 BELAJAR SWIMMING OK! Sentap! Tapi dapat la jugak mek swimming. Pics? Gi check kat my fotopages itiew... ehehehe.

Tadik mek gatal2 main2 mms service phone mek - amik two pics - two most important places in my life here in Kedah - my bedroom and also my work station at home! Ehehehehe Also in my bedroom lah of course!

My Work Station - I've got my fax, my pc, my stereo systems, my books, everything within reach

This is where Cinderella sleeps... love the curtains, don't you?

Heheh - cool huh? Ok lah - mek nak solat Isya' dulu. Lepas nih I'll be back to update my sideboard, lepas itiew, mek feeling2 mau write my 1st time experience in Amsterdam... lets? Eheheheh

Nurlea Laurielle Lai Lee Abdullah


Anonymous said...

Curtain persis hotel lima bintang katanya... mek sukaaaaaa...

Anonymous said...

i loike your room lah...ade classssss gitu...kalah bilik pengantin..