Monday, March 07, 2005

It's great to know...

Deeeearrreesssttt all...
It's great to know my last entry drew a lot of attentions... heheeh... SEE MISS G! Told you I could pull it off!

So anyways I was thinkin' of another hit entry. Many have asked me, "Have you ever slept with any crew members when you were with MAS?" And straight away I answered "Of course NOT!" The truth? OH there were a few one or two three times... ehehehe... wanna know more about it itiewww???? Hehehehe

I'll be back tonight with that entry. For now, just another routine-entry. Since tadik I went out and sent my dear niece to her KUMON class, balik tu lepak2 for a while with couple of my jogging friends... No Mr. X wasn't there, sadly. So anyways, lepak2 for awhile, bitched about orang tu ini yang tgh jogging (HAHAHAH MANGSA KEADAAN LAH ORNG2 ITIEWWW KENA KUTUK - free2 jer buat dosa kering ptg2 nih) Lepas tu, macam bohsan jer? Balik lor. Balik online kejap, great to see more msgs kat my Tagboard. Thanks guys!

Malam nih I think lepas maghrib I nak gi swimming - maybe an hour or so, maybe ade cerits menarsss ketika di swimming pool itiew, kalau tak der, balik mek terus do the "CREW YANG TERLAMPAU MY EDITION!" Ehehehehehe...

Oklah. Gtg now. Take care peeps! I'll see you guys in a while ya...

PS - Me had some laughs over the phone when Miss G called just now.. Thanks for calling girl

ME - the one and only...
Di ptg yang indah... mueieueiueie

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