Saturday, March 19, 2005

Orchid, what next?

Dearest blog readers...

Orchids? Yer yer - pagi nih mek dinch masuk office. So mek updated my fotopages itiew dengan gambar2 orchids lah pulak ye dok? Ekekekee... Saje. Dalam this new active spirit with new gadgets nih, ehehe, suke lah!

Gigih nih nak buat updates baru. I can't wait nak keluar again this evening, amik gambar pics2 lagi itiew.... eeee.... found myself a new hobby! Wah, hobby dah sekarang??? Hmmm - nak jadik macam Mirch punye fotopages, kontroversi la pulak later mater, how? Hmmmmmm Oh tak pa tak pa... nih, about orchids tu...

Wanna see? Cuba try click HERE tgk... it'll redirect hampa ke new blank page dan terus ke mukadimah baru, lealaurielle @ pulak... ekekeke...! JGN lupe check latest updates selalu, now that mek dah tahu cam mana nak membanyakkan koleksi pics2 harian mek... ekeke

Oh well, dah nearly lunch time. Mek nak lunch, pastu at 2pm mek ade nak kena collect 50 boxes of Madu sawda' itiew, ade org Perlis pesan. Hantar ke Perlis pulak? Apa ko pikir aku ini DHL Delivery boy kah!? Addinch! Mek gi amik kat stockist mek, pastu mek peram jer kat umah sampai lah pak cik dari Perlis tu datang, amik sendirs! Tak kuasa nak gi hantar sampai ke Perlis u ols!

Hows the maid doin'? NYEH! DIA MASAK VERY THE SEDAPS ONEEEZZZ! Confirm mek naik gimuks lagik after this - naaaahhhh that's it! Habis lah aku! Ekekekeek...

Ok ok - catch up with you guys later2 tonight, nah? Till then... adios!!!

Sincere regards, with best wishes,

Nurlea Laurielle Lai Lee Abdullah

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