Monday, March 07, 2005

The unexpected...

The way I see it - Monday 7th March - cam gampang!
Started things off early in the office huu haa hee here and there - busy in a way - palat macam sial pun ade jugak sbb the meeting with the group from MBAS was like sial. Lain yang kite explain - kot lain pulak diaorang paham and dah la salah - nak blame ME!?

So that was the shitty part from 8.30 to 11am... aside from feeling hungry sbb dinch bersahur and terus puasa lepas Subuh, a page or two kat Quran, then gi keje. And then masuknye Internet / MSN - ade hal lain pulak?

I worked my butts for this page - dalam hati dah suka this page instead of Myspace. Although ade jugak missed it, but it's kindda like me being independent already in terms of blog writings. I learned a lot of html codings and tau dah sikit2 do my own page and what do I get in return? Your page is boring, your page is kusam kasam, your page is boring, your page has a lot of copy paste thingie, your page is boring - like hello? I know I should take things, comments, constructively, but havent somebody noticed that I worked like mad dog during this weekend to do this blogspot page? I copied and paste/reposting entries from myspace - simply to make things easier for readers - senang, baca kat sini - tak payah nak bukak another window and baca my previous blogs kat myspace. And of course I did it sbb nak banyakkan collection kat blogspot also - but that's not the point. My page kusammasamlesam warnanye? Like - I believe that the template that I pilih adalah yang paling meriah if wanna compared to other templates... and about my fotopages banyak gambar models? True - you're right... it's my fotopages, BUT WRONG perluke even my fotopages ade my pics saje? Tell that to everyone else yang ade fotopage - "Fotopages only allows you upload YOUR SELF-PICS only - no gambar konek, no gambar pemandangan KL diwaktu malam, no gambar org dlm LRT" - tell that to them also?

It all happened in split seconds that my Monday - up till this afternoon - was nothing but semuanye salah aku!



Anonymous said...

Hey... for me its not about the templates or what, because I think this is nice and I dont have any problem with the loading time of your page. but the most important things is the content of your blog and what u want to tell other people from your blog... and again I say this... its kind of interesting to read any part of your blog.. ignore all the non-motivational comment.. just do what u want... this blog is your's.. so keep it up dear!!!....

Anonymous said...

Hey LordRul remember me?... beewak!!! n the cikgu in sabah??? room kubur.. ha!...left a msg or 2..