Monday, March 07, 2005

Oopps! It's 7th March already? Hmmm

Dearest all...

Yes yes I know, I KNOW! I was supposed to write this entry like yesterday (walhal yesterday tu baru jer beberapa puluh minit berlalu... ahaks!) Well - citernye cam nih. Tadi waktu berbuka tu, eh, lepas berbuka puasa, a friend of mine called, ajak nak kuar dinner. I said I berpuasa and dah berbuka - dah kenyang gilos. Still nak jugak I follow ( what to do, peminat2 nak jumpe - CHEEH! ) So anyways, me went out lah dengan dia, and kawan kawan dia... and kawan kawan kepada kawan kawan dia... haiyoh! Al kesahnye jadik lah 8 of us! Ramai tu.. 2 cars ok. So we went to this place call Selera Pak Lah (Mek feeling2 tu restoran PM kite lah! Eheheheh) So gi lah makan - mek dinch eat anything - minum jer. Tu pun 3 glasses of limau ais ok! Cut fat! Ehehehehe... So sembang pi sembang mai - went out at 8pm, lepas Maghrib - then came back at 11pm. Tgk pulak "Tiga Abdul" on tv... ha... apa kesnye? Kesnye masuk lah online late! DUH!?!?!

Now tgh buat ape? Errmm... searching for more cool pics nak lekat kat itieww fotopages itieeww! Ehehehe... And plus - mek tgh pening nak figure out how lah nak betulkan the date on fotopages tu. Bile click on TODAY it still hits March 6th - walhal it's already Monday 7th, how? Sapa sapa mau tolong mek itieww???

Myspace meriah lah SIKIT today - comments came in, new mails, friends requests - atleast, moving lah jugak dari yesterday??? I think semue orang sibuk dengan Sure Heboh Karnival TV3 kot? Eh eh - tetiber lak, kan? Heheheh

Me gonna continue with the photo search and replyin' mails and comments kat myspace. As for my blogspot page - mek dinch terima apa apa lagik idea utk updatekan the page. Cukup la itiew dulu hiasan itiew. Nanti idea gedebas gedebus mek kuar, I'll bring it on, babeh!! Ehehehe

Night night!!!!

Regards - me - whoelse?

IF Marcus Schenkenberg were to ask me out - I would have said "YES PLS - OH PLS DOOO TAKE ME OUT!- and don't bother to put any tops on your faaaabbulous bod hon! - let it be this way!!!! I just wanna drooolll all night!!!!!!" Hehehe

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