Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A New Day Has Come... SO?

Dearest all...
It's 7.18am - yes, I'm up. I had a veeeeeeeeeeeeeery sound and peaceful sleep last night - woke up susah jugak tadik at 6.30am - tu pun jenuh memula mak tok kejutkan at 6.15am, then my mom at 6.30 - kalau ade my dad - confirm dia kejutkan at 6am! So bangun, subuh, then baca Quran satu surah lagi hari nih. Pastu I decided malas la nak tidur balik - kang confirm beralasan lagi nak gi masuk office pepagi nih. Tak per, cekalkan hati - tabahkan pendirian - aku MAMPU!... ekeke

Guess what? Entry for Wednesday at mek dah online - dah up! Sukenye tgk pics2 itiew. Wanna see? As usual, click HERE to view my Wednesday - All About Cars entry... hehehe

Mek rase mek sempat nak calitkan lagi lumpur slut ke muke mek nih utk pagi nih. Remember mek nak bukak citer pasal scandal in KBR? I mean, Kota Bharu? Lets!!! Biar satu dunia now know 'am not that innocent' jugak when it comes to being naughty - Well, nak buat cam mana. Setia pada seorang lover, but of course- Tapi adik2, kite kena keep our options open. Tak der nye kes setia metia 24-7 u ols. How sure are u si DIA pun setia metia 24-7? Bukan tak der kepercayaan - its just, life, is so unpredictable. For all you know your lover could be goin' out with your friend? Ooppss! Dah dah case closed dah that bab itiew... eheheh. All I'm saying here is that, you may think,... ape nih fefetz nih... banyaknye scandal dalam dan luar negeri. Hai, namanye crew MAS - ambassador to the world - ala ala menteri dalam dan luar negeri la gittu... eheheh. Although waktu the years mek fly itiew, mek memang tgh bercouple - but all those swing2 here and there, feelingless - eh, got mehhh such word, feelingless? Ahhh - janji korang paham. No, bukan mek nak deny yang mek jahat. Mek akui mek jahat nakal getek gatal semua I admit - semue tu ade, kalau tidak, masa kan mek mampu ade scandals kat banyak stations. Tapi, my love and my heart was always for my one and only true love, AT THAT TIME LAH! Tapi since shit happened, mek macam, haiiiiiii mujur jugak mek makan luar - kalau idak - nyesal tak kesudah!

No more goody good girl...

Sincere regards, with best wishes,

Nurlea Laurielle Lai Lee Abdullah

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